Workout move of the week- A great core exercise
This week workout move of the week isn't a weight training move but one that requires only you.
One of the easiest and best exercises you can do for to help reduce the waistline and keep your core strong. If you have just had a baby its a safe exercise you can do to help pull all those stretched muscle get back together to, you can do this exercise literally anywhere so no excuses. Watch the video below for a quick instruction on how to.
The transverse abdominals is the deepest muscles of the tummy its located underneath both the external and internal obliques and also wraps around your spine.The transverse muscles are the body's natural corset providing you with the protection and stability so clearly an important muscle to work.
If you want some guidance on weight/resistance training during pregnancy or on-line training help check here or sign up to be notified when my 'Pregnant With Muscle ' workouts are released,here.
Have a blessed day
Mrs Workout
Note: You will feel you back activate during the exercise this is normal.