Belly pouch ?!?
Pregnant and non pregnant ladies, do you have a issue with your belly protruding or wondering how to work your core during pregnancy?
Before and during pregnancy you have heard me say I rarely work abs in the traditional way. I don't think I will ever do a full ab crunch again to be honest. As I have gained more knowledge I have come to understand the belly pouch I had after my first pregnancy was diastasis recti. Not everyone gets this and there are certain ways to train it correctly check out the vid by befitmoms on you tube to see one of the exercises I do.
What is your level of fitness? Everyone is different
At the beginning stages of pregnancy I did do things like planks and press up more often. If you see me do it now its for a very minimal period of time. I had a very strong core and if you are going to attempt these planks and pressups please ensure your strong enough to do it and you have full control of your core muscles to hold up baby. I have said before in previous posts, pregnant or not if your not drawing your belly button in towards your spine the exercise is redundant and you could be causing more damage especially in pregnancy with the growing weight in your abdomen you are putting extra stress there. So control it ladies or don't do it.
I would also not recommend isometric contraction during 2nd/3rd trimester due to the fact it can raise blood pressure or abdominal trauma by falling due to fatigue so if your finding it hard don't just push through the pain during pregnancy workouts trying to plank pick a regression for the plank (shown in previous post )
So ladies and and a few men if your doing all the abs exercises in the world and its nots working out for you do some research no need to crazy ab exercises DO the right exercises and as they say eat clean and clear up those gut issues. Things like belly breathing is a good place to start. Even getting up out of bed the wrong way can be detrimental. Google away folks
Knowledge is power, I don't know everything but learning more and more each day and want to be a PT who shares my success and help people reach goals not charge for every bit knowledge I pass on to you. Have a blessed day guys.