Thursday, 23 May 2013

Pregnant posture part 2

To continue on from last weeks on post on posture in pregnancy, just a quick look at #kyphotic posture that can occur in pregnancy and in women with larger breasts or men who over train chest for example. It is the curvature in the spine at the top which can cause the chest to be weak and give a hunch look and tighten the back muscles giving upper back pain as well as other pains. The Kyphotic induced posture can occur in pregnancy  due to the increase in larger chest size that is getting ready for the birth of you baby for obvious reasons ;).

How you want to go about correcting that and alleviating  pain ( as I have often found myself hunching these days) is stretching the chest and working on exercising your upper back muscles and shoulders which help to open up your chest and correct this. Due to continuing with my weight training  during pregnancy this has almost certainly helped me with those annoying pains.   I love working on my back at the gym I do things like pull downs, seated rows, single arms  rows. But if your home or new to exercising whilst exercising check out the pics for some ideas to work the upper back and shoulders at home.

When training its necessary to create a balanced program and not over work one muscles.  Before pregnancy I didn’t do a terrible lot of benching exercises as women have the extra weight in the chest it can  increase this rounded posture so I kept my chest exercises in mind of that.



Friday, 17 May 2013

Pregnant Posture

During pregnancy you can be effected by Hyperlordosis. This is the over curvature of the spine due to the increase in weight in the abdomen. This doesn't just effect just pregnant ladies can happen to anyone with excess weight in the front. If your finding yourself with back pain, hip and even sometimes knee pain this could be one of the reasons why. Of course the magic hormones in pregnancy are a lot to blame. Certain muscles can get tight due to this i.e. your back and hip flexors and in doing so you abs and hamstrings and glutes will get weak. Ways to combat this is to stretch your hip flexors (pictured above nice modified version for preggos you can use a chair for support) stretch your lower back (check the net for safe back stretches) Exercise your abs and your deep core muscles/ use exercise to strengthen them and don't do crunches of course I like belly breathing ;) and strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. Continuing with my weight training and squatting throughout has helped so much. If you are further along you can just do body weight squats and straight leg deadlifts for e.g Also focus on posture and get your body in neutral peeps see pictures and don't get stuck in a chair all day it can often promote bad posture.
Remember to keep your tummy button in towards your spine to reduce the pressure of your organs and baby on you abs


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Buying coconut oil? Choose carefully

Unwilling to part with expensive prices. We had been using the cheap coconut oil on the right. We decided to start cooking with coconut oil because coconut oil is one of the few oils that is not damaged when heated to temperatures used in cooking, frying, and baking. Corn, soy, sunflower, canola, and safflower oils undergo detrimental changes when heated to cooking, frying, or baking temperatures . It smelt yummy to when opened while the cheaper one had no smell.

Refined Coconut Oil: A refined coconut oil is usually rather tasteless and odourless. Because it has been refined, it can usually withstand slightly higher cooking temperatures before reaching its smoke point. Refined coconut oils are excellent for cooking foods where you need lots of clean, pure, malleable fat without a dominating coconut flavour. (Think pie crusts or french fries.) Refined coconut oils do not offer the same health benefits of a virgin, completely raw coconut oil, but they are still excellent sources of most of the beneficial fatty acids. Things to watch out for: not all refined coconut oils are alike! Most are refined using a chemical distillation process dependent on lye or other harsh solvents, or they’re made from the rancid oil by products leftover from creating desiccated (dry) coconut flakes. Sadly, these are refined, bleached, and deodorized in an effort to create a palatable product that can be sold to consumers. Many coconut oils are even hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated! (Avoid these at all costs as the hydrogenation process creates synthetic trans-fats.) coconut without the addition of any

Unrefined Coconut Oil An unrefined coconut oil is typically labelled “virgin” or “extra-virgin.” In general, though, virgin and extra-virgin coconut oils are made from the first pressing of fresh, raw coconut without the added chemicals. Source :


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Mr Workout's Tricep fun in the gym, give it a try!

We are also in Keek to, we post short video clips of our workouts there.
Try my behind the back tricep extension exercise, works the long head muscle.

Try it out and let me know what you think, if you want more posts like this shoot us a comment in the box below we would love to hear from you. :)

If your on keek go follow us and we will follow back to, we are nice like that.