Tuesday, 31 December 2013

8 Week Fitness program £60/$99 Limited offer

8 Week Fitness program £60/$99 Limited offer

Want to sculpt your body and get fit? New Year, New You, make that investment in yourself start today on a new journey. I am opening up the weight training Body Under Construction Program again!  Fun and challenging workouts with a healthy eating guide (Nutrition is important to your success) This time its available as an Ebook straight...

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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Workout move of the week-Curtsy lunge and Side lunge

Workout move of the week-Curtsy lunge and Side lunge

This weeks move are some of my favourite exercises I like to do for my legs as I find them fun different. Great to spice up your leg routine and a great way to work the legs and glutes. To do a curtsy lunge: Stand with your feet hip-width apart Dumbbells either side of your legs Core tight Take a big step back...

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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Workout move of the week- A great core exercise

Workout move of the week- A great core exercise

This week workout move of the week isn't a weight training move but one that requires only you. One of the easiest and best exercises you can do for to help reduce the waistline and keep your core strong. If you have just had a baby its a safe exercise you can do to help pull all those...

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