Thursday 23 May 2013

Pregnant posture part 2

To continue on from last weeks on post on posture in pregnancy, just a quick look at #kyphotic posture that can occur in pregnancy and in women with larger breasts or men who over train chest for example. It is the curvature in the spine at the top which can cause the chest to be weak and give a hunch look and tighten the back muscles giving upper back pain as well as other pains. The Kyphotic induced posture can occur in pregnancy  due to the increase in larger chest size that is getting ready for the birth of you baby for obvious reasons ;).

How you want to go about correcting that and alleviating  pain ( as I have often found myself hunching these days) is stretching the chest and working on exercising your upper back muscles and shoulders which help to open up your chest and correct this. Due to continuing with my weight training  during pregnancy this has almost certainly helped me with those annoying pains.   I love working on my back at the gym I do things like pull downs, seated rows, single arms  rows. But if your home or new to exercising whilst exercising check out the pics for some ideas to work the upper back and shoulders at home.

When training its necessary to create a balanced program and not over work one muscles.  Before pregnancy I didn’t do a terrible lot of benching exercises as women have the extra weight in the chest it can  increase this rounded posture so I kept my chest exercises in mind of that.